
Hackmaster 2013 Writeup

This was my second single player Capture The Flag kind of Hacking Competition and I finished Hackmaster in the Second position. So here goes the write up.
There was 30 Levels.


The password verification is performed using JavaScript. Try if you can hack and get the password.

It was plain old view source problem

Answer: hAcKWA5T3r


Can you crack this?

It was also a view source problem. The answer was in the end of jquery.js in HEX format. I just beautified the JavaScript and converted the answer in HEX format.

Answer: Angaane pavanaayi,shavamaayi


Want to go to the next level? Read this picture.


This one was also pretty simple. Just downloaded the image and extracted with WinRAR.

Answer: next question please


This is a bit tricky you are the answer.

A simple one. there is a link to an image which show b and 64. So that was just base64 of my username.

Answer: eGJveg==


x1 = f1("We") = 485c47a81eb6e3998ec05aca48eda184
x2 = f2("will") = 37d41699bdee4fcb969ca499eb0f8b82c60d59cc
x3 = f3("all") = ce2786195f31ede1465691a9072b5d1a38f1f6195a7d55e32eda5497fd237379
x4 = f4("laugh") = f428b6b7601e46fa66327dc11ed6c54e4d014a040b65a8c9d18f0842
x5 = f5("at") = ef7328c4a6bab374cb72a054f607df6f893d1cdd0b5b733135e5407434ec1f19b99fbd5367800f73
x6 = f6("gilded") = 0887026a
x7 = f7("butterflies") = d70497ac

f("We will all laugh at gilded butterflies") = g(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x5,x6,x7) = 4c923ac
f("Make a better world than ours, Kal") = ?


I used a python script to identify the hash and an online website to generate hashes.

These were different hashes.

g(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x5,x6,x7) = 4c923ac

Here g(X) is actually the last ending character of all the hashes (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6 and x7)

Make- 529a05ca6c1263aab080ec4f20754411
a- 86f7e437faa5a7fce15d1ddcb9eaeaea377667b8
better- 73153b79698ee7372ac5c31bbf0d0a7a929732c7e44ab12cf5ced7de10422b23
world- ba2e9941a5d3aec529ed6f7d5f380d41f846ce42e32772fed503a91d
than- a7b50f9666840aac5165c42c8545c4db0eb21e856aa50e887759ef6f7ea2cbf2a2cf945c1b2e33d9
ours,- 066c01f6



Level 7

There was an image. There is a difference between this image and the one we use for promotion in Social Media profiles.


I got a clue from the Hackmaster forum that "Difference" is a technical term and maybe designers will understand it. I had seen a Difference option in Photoshop. So i Googled for "Hiding images with Photoshop" and i got a tutorial in Gimp. (here)

After going through Photoshop i got the hidden image which looks like this. I also had adjusted some curves.

Even though the answer was not so clear. i tried a few times and got the answer.

Answer: ImaGeCepTiONed!!

Level 8


This was a Substitution Cipher. I had used a website for frequency analysis and after few trial and errors, i got the answer.

Answer: our mothers taught us to tell only the truth in a world that resents it. we were trained to tell right from wrong, black from white, in a world that bathed in shades of grey. experience rewrote everysinglelesson which we were taught as children. but now we've grown, and we clearly see. survival of the fittest - thats the only truth that really matters.

Level 9


There was a chrome extension. i just extracted it with WinRAR and opened the manifest file and got the url to the answer.


Level 10

Can u find the password to use this android app??


I extracted the apk with WinRar, converted the file to jar with dex2jar and used Java Decompiler to decompile it. I got the password from the source.

Answer: merocks

Level 11

Can you find the password of this program?


A Linux executable was given. Simple static analysis on IDA uncovered the answer.
Answer: allizzwell!

Level 12
Tintumon has hidden his password inside an archive. The name of archive is "zip.rar". It is split into many parts and is stored in this directory.Download all parts , and find the answer.

After some trail and errors i found out that the file name is like "zip.part0001.rar" , and ended up like "zip.part1024.rar". I quickly wrote a python script to do the work. I was behind a proxy with NTLM Auth so connectivity with native python code was an issue. So i used IDM console options to do my work. Finally i got the answer after extracting the combined file.

Answer:<sorry i forgot the password> :)

Level 14

Tintumon is a great fan of AR Rahman. he had sent his girl friend dundumol a message in AR.mp3. find the message.


From a clue from Hackmaster forum about "Visualizer" had given me a thought about Sonic Visualizer. Opened the mp3 with Sonic and added a Spectrogram  to revel the message.

Answer: tintu<3dundu

Level 14
Tintumon has hidden his password inside this archive. Help him recover the password.

The archive was password protected and the password was the name of the archive but inside that contains another password protected archive with password as that archive’s file name. I had extracted almost 6 of them and then thought of automating the process. Again I had written a small piece of python script to do the stuff.

Answer: goodwrkdudeugotdans

Level 18

Shashimons accessing an insecure server . Tintumon was able to get some data. can u analyse the data and find Shashimons password from Datadump.rar

Just opened it in Notepad++ and searched for password. A lot of URLs with password was there but finally got the right password.

Answer: ilovcricket

Level 19
My friend challenged me with this code question and asked me to find the answer, I have an answer ready but I want to check if it is correct, so can you also find the answer to the code below?, I was also given a clue Good luck

   1 2 3 4 5
1 B G W K Z
2 Q P N D S
3 I O A X E
4 F C L U M
5 T H Y V R

At first I thought it was Poly fair Cipher since I didn't find J in the 5x5 matrix, but later figured out it was bifid cipher. There was a website that helps to crack cipher if we provided the correct input.


Level 20
Can u find the password to use this application???

It was again a Linux executable. The password was dynamically generated, so I used GDB, checked the ESP and got the answer

Answer: mahendrasinghdhoni77198

Level 23
Find the password of the application?

It was a Linux executable. I just opened it in edb debugger and keep on checking the registers and finally got the answer.

Answer: sherlockholmes
Level 24
My friend created a custom hashing program. Can you find the plain text for this Hash: 4G;42|4G42;


I was given an Executable. When I analyzed that, I found out that it was a Java application with an exe wrapper. I just extracted it with WinRAR, got the class file and decompiled it with Java Decompiler. I had manually find out that “fdmfy” in some combination resulted in the answer. I just modified the code and got the answer.



  1. Hi Ajin,the tutorial is very nice. There is lot to learn for me.Please let me know if you have any other tutorials like this. thanks
